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Plant Doctor Quantum H

Plant Doctor Quantum H


30ml per 9L watering OR 1ml per square metre (50-100ml per 100m2) in enough water to provide thorough coverage.

Apply fortnightly or as required



Plant Doctor Quantum-H helps improve, build & repair soil structure. It helps clean the soil from heavy metals/pesticides/herbicides etc and is a great microbe food. 

Quantum-H is a premium humic acid solution extracted from Agri-Plus, a high-grade leonardite ore. It has a high concentration of short-chain humic acid and fulvic acid molecules, and in addition is a very plant active liquid humic acid extract. It is manufactured using proprietary methods of extraction, settling, and handling, offering a lower sludge content and is easier to handle than other humic acid products - making it the industry benchmark.




  • Powerful chelating agent when soil applied.
  • Increases access to soil nutrients.
  • Increases & stimulates beneficial microbial activity.
  • Increase soil moisture retention.
  • Buffer soil pH.
  • Build and repair soil structure.
  • Helps bind salt


  • When organic carbon levels are low
  • When valuable soil nutrients are locked up and unavailable
  • Can be applied with fertilisers
  • Can be used at any time of the year on all plants.
  • Can be applied to all crops, including vegetable crops, trees and vines. Staining may occur.
  • Can be used to all soil types.
  • Compatible with almost all fertiliser, nutrients, pesticides, herbicides, fungicide and defoliants.
  • Can be mixed with almost all liquid fertilisers and liquid nutrients, including seeding, pre-planting, side dress and water runs.

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